Here's another list I've done that needs lots of updating but it is easier for me to get at here so voila! Over the many years I did YA, it was easy for me to recommend authors and titles but a year or two out of that and into the adult fiction maven thing...ack my mind goes blank. This is for me as well as anyone.
Included are my own recommendations plus the books that the really super avid fantasy reading kids who come in ask for. When they say "do you have this book" in that sort hushed, excited voice and their face breaks into a huge smile when you say yes...those books make this list for sure.
5/28/09 I've edited the list considerably. I'm adding in titles that anyone reading youth fantasy would love to read, in my humblest of opinions. Classics such as The Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland are now in. Visions of these should be floating about in any true fantasy reader's head. I'm also filling in the full series where I might have noted just the first one. That will take awhile. Read and enjoy.
Abbott, Tony The Hidden Stairs and the Magic Carpet (Secrets of Droon #1)
Alexander, Lloyd The Book of three (Prydain Chronicles #1)
Alexander, Lloyd The Black Cauldron (Prydain Chronicles #2)
Alexander, Lloyd Castle of Llyr (Prydain Chronicles #3)
Alexander, Lloyd Taran Wanderer (Prydain Chronicles #4)
Alexander, Lloyd The High King (Prydain Chronicles #5)
Alexander, Lloyd The Foundling and other tales of Prydain
Alexander, Lloyd Westmark (Westmark Trilogy #1)
Alexander, Lloyd The Kestral (Westmark Trilogy #2)
Alexander, Lloyd The Beaggar Queen (Westmark Trilogy #3)
Anderson, M. T. The game of sunken places
Anthony, Piers A Spell for Chameleon (Magic of Xanth series #1)
Banks, Lynne Reid The Indian in the cupboard (#1)
Banks, Lynne Reid Return of the Indian (#2)
Banks, Lynne Reid Secret of the Indian (#3)
Banks, Lynne Reid Mystery of the cupboard (#4)
Banks, Lynne Reid Key to the Indian (#5)
Barker, Clive Abarat (Abarat #1)
Barker, Clive Days of magic, nights of war (Abarat #2)
Barrie, J.M. Peter Pan
Barron, T. A. The Lost Years of Merlin
Barron, T.A. The Seven Songs of Merlin
Barron, T.A. The Fires of Merlin
Barron, T.A. The Mirror of Merlin
Barron, T.A. The Wings of Merlin
Barry, Dave and Pearson, Ridley Peter and the Starcatchers (Starcatcher's Trilogy #1)
Barry, Dave and Pearson, Ridley Peter and the Shadow Thieves (Starcatcher's Trilogy #2)
Barry, Dave and Pearson, Ridley Peter and the Secret of Rundoon
Barry, Dave and Pearson, Ridley Peter and the Sword of Mercy (Starcatcher's #4)
Bass, L. G. Sign of the Qin (Outlaws of Moonshadow Marsh #1)
Bath, K. P. The Secret of Castle Cant: being an account of the remarkable adventures of Lucy Wickwright, maidservant and spy (#1)
Bath, K. P. Escape from Castle Kant (#2)
Baum, L. Frank The Wizard of Oz
Bell, Hilari The Wizard Test
Bell, Ted Nick of Time: a Lord Hawke novel
Boston, Lucy Maria The Children of Green Knowe (Green Knowe Chronicles #1)
Bradbury, Ray Something Wicked This Way Comes
Breen M. E. Darkwood
Brennan, Herbie Faerie wars (Faerie Wars Chronicles #1)
Brennan, Herbie The Purple Emperor (Faerie Wars Chronicles #2)
Brennan, Herbie Ruler of the Realm (Faerie Wars Chronicles #3)
Brennan, Herbie Faerie Lord (Faerie Wars Chronicles #4)
Brooks, Terry The Sword of Shanarra (Heritage of Shannara Series)
Buckley, Michael The Fairy-Tale Detectives (Sister's Grimm #1)
Buckley, Michael The Unusual Suspects (Sister's Grimm #2)
Buckley, Michael The Problem Child (Sister's Grimm #3)
Buckley, Michael Once upon a crime (Sister's Grimm #4)
Buckley, Michael Magic and other misdemeanors (Sister's Grimm #5)
Buckley, Michael Tales from the Hood (Sister's Grimm #6)
Buckley, Michael The Everafter War (Sister's Grimm #7)
Buckley-Archer, Linda Gideon the Cutpurse: Being the First Part of the Gideon Trilogy (Also known as "The Time Traveler's)
Buckley-Archer, Linda The Time Thief (Gideon Trilogy #2)
Buckley-Archer, Linda The Time Quake (Gideon Trilogy #3)
Buffie, Margaret The Watcher (Watcher’s Quest #1)
Buffie, Margaret The Seeker (Watcher’s Quest #2)
Buffie, Margaret The Finder (Watcher's Quest #3)
Carmody, Isabelle Night Gate (Gateway Trilogy #1)
Carmon, Patrick The Dark Hills Divide (Land of Elyon #1)
Carmon, Patrick Beyond the Valley of Thorns (Land of Elyon #2)
Carmon, Patrick The Tenth City (Land of Elyon #3)
Carmon, Patrick Into the Mist (Land of Elyon #4)
Carmon, Patrick Stargazer (Land of Elyon #5)
Carroll, Lewis Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Carroll, Lewis Through the Looking Glass
Cashore, Kristin Graceling
Cashore, Kristin Fire (companion to Graceling)
Chabon, Michael Summerland
Chima, Cinda Williams The Demon King
Collins, Suzanne Gregor the Overlander (Underland Chronicles #1)
Collins, Suzanne Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane (Underland Chronicles #2)
Collins, Suzanne Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods (Underland Chronicles #3)
Collins, Suzanne Gregor and the Marks of Secret (Underland Chronicles #4)
Collins, Suzanne Gregor and the Code of the Claw (Underland Chronicles #4)
Collins, Suzanne Hunger Games
Collins, Suzanne Catching Fire
Constable, Kate The Singer of all songs (Chanters of Tremaris Trilogy)
Colfer, Eoin Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl #1)
Colfer, Eoin Artemis Fowl: the Arctic Incident (Artemis Fowl #2)
Colfer, Eoin Artemis Fowl: the Eternity Code (Artemis Fowl #3)
Colfer, Eoin Artemis Fowl: the Opal Deception (Artemis Fowl #4)
Colfer, Eoin Artemis Fowl: the Lost Colony (Artemis Fowl #5)
Colfer, Eoin Artemis Fowl: the Time Paradox (Artemis Fowl #6)
Colfer, Eoin The Wish list (non-series)
Colfer, Eoin The Supernaturalist (non-series)
Cooper, Susan Over sea, under stone (The Dark is Rising #1)
Cooper, Susan The Dark is Rising (The Dark is Rising #2)
Cooper, Susan Greenwitch (The Dark is Rising #3)
Cooper, Susan The Grey King (The Dark is Rising #4)
Cooper, Susan Silver on the Tree (The Dark is Rising #5)
Crossley-Holland, Kevin The Seeing stone (Arthur Trilogy)
Dahl, Roald Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Dahl, Roald Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator
Dahl, Roald James and the Giant Peach
Dahl, Roald The Minpins
Dahl, Roald The Witches
Dale, Anna Whispering to Witches
Dale, Anna Spellbound
Deary, Terry The Fire Thief (Fire Thief Trilogy #1)
Deary, Terry Flight of the Fire Thief (Flight of the Fire Thief #2)
Deary, Terry The Fire Thief Fights Back (Flight of the Fire Thief #3)
Del Vecchio, Gene The Pearl of Anton
Delaney, Joseph Revenge of the Witch (The Last Apprentice #1)
Delaney, Joseph Curse of the Bane (The Last Apprentice #2)
Delaney, Joseph Night of the soul-stealer (The Last Apprentice #3)
Delaney, Joseph Attack of the fiend (The Last Apprentice #4)
Delaney, Joseph Wrath of the Bloodeye (The Last Apprentice #5)
Delaney, Joseph Clash of the demons (The Last Apprentice #6)
DiTerlizzi, Tony The Field Guide (Spiderwick Chronicles #1)
DiTerlizzi, Tony The Seeing Stone (Spiderwick Chronicles #2)
DiTerlizzi, Tony Lucinda's Secret (Spiderwick Chronicles #3)
DiTerlizzi, Tony The Ironwood Tree (Spiderwick Chronicles #4)
DiTerlizzi, Tony Wrath of Mulgrath (Spiderwick Chronicles #5)
Duane, Diane So you want to be a wizard (Young Wizards #1)
Doyle, Debra School of Wizardry (Circle of Magic #1)
Doyle, Debra Tournament and Tower (Circle of Magic #2)
Doyle, Debra The City By the Sea (Circle of Magic #3)
Doyle, Debra The Prince's Players (Circle of Magic #4)
Doyle, Debra The Prisoners of Bell Castle (Castle of Magic #5)
Doyle, Debra The High King's Daughter (Castle of Magic #6)
Doyle, Debra Knight’s Wyrd
Duane, Diane Deep Wizardry (Young Wizards #2)
Duane, Diane High Wizardry (Young Wizards #3)
Duane, Diane A Wizard Abroad (Young Wizards #4)
Duane Diane The Wizard's Dilemma (Young Wizards #5)
Duane, Diane A Wizard Alone (Young Wizards #6)
Duane, Diane Wizard's Holiday (Young Wizards #7)
Duane, Diane Wizards at war (Young Wizards #8)
Eager, Edward Half magic
Eager, Edward Knight's Castle
Eager, Edward Magic by the Lake
Eager, Edward Magic or Not?
Eager, Edward Seven-Day Magic
Eager, Edward The Time Garden
Eager, Edward The Well-wishers
Farmer, Nancy Sea of Trolls
Fisher, Catherine The Oracle betrayed (The Oracle Prophecies)
Flanagan, John The ruins of Gorlan (Ranger's Apprentice #1)
Flanagan, John The Burning Bridge (Ranger's Apprentice #2)
Flanagan, John The icebound land (Ranger's Apprentice #3)
Flanagan, John The battle for Skandia (Ranger's Apprentice #4)
Flanagan, John Sorceror of the North (Ranger's Apprentice #5)
Flanagan, John The seige of Mackindaw (Ranger's Apprentice #6)
Funke, Cornelia Dragon Rider
Funke, Cornelia Inkheart (Inkheart Trilogy #1)
Funke, Cornelia Inkspell (Inkheart Trilogy #2)
Funke, Cornelia Inkdeath (Inkheart Trilogy #3)
Funke, Cornelia The Thief Lord
Gaiman, Neil Coraline
Gaiman, Neil The Graveyard Book
Gliori, Debi Pure Dead Magic (Pure Dead #1)
Gliori, Debi Pure dead wicked (Pure Dead #2)
Gliori, Debi Pure Dead brilliant (Pure Dead #3)
Gregorian, Joyce Ballou Broken Citadel (Tredana #1)
Gregorian, Joyce Ballou Castledown (Tredana #2)
Gregorian, Joyce Ballou The Great Wheel (Tredana #3)
Hanley, Victoria The Seer and the sword
Hanley, Victoria The Healer’s keep
Hill, Stuart Cry of the Icemark
Howard, Joan The Thirteenth is Magic
Hunter, Erin The Quest Begins (Seekers #1)(Bears)
Hunter, Erin Great Bear Lake (Seekers #2)
Hunter, Erin Smoke Mountain (Seekers #3)
Hunter Erin Into the Wild (Warriors #1) (Cats)
Hunter, Erin Fire and Ice (Warriors #2)
Hunter, Erin Forest of Secrets (Warriors #3)
Hunter, Erin Rising Storm (Warriors #4)
Hunter, Erin A Dangerous Path (Warriors #5)
Hunter, Erin The Darkest Hour (Warriors #6)
Hunter, Erin The Sight (Warriors Power of Three #1)
Hunter, Erin Dark River (Warriors Power of Three #2)
Hunter, Erin Outcast (Warriors Power of Three #3)
Hunter, Erin Eclipse (Warriors Power of Three #4)
Hunter, Erin Long Shadows (Warriors Power of Three #5)
Hunter, Erin Sunrise (Warriors Power of Three #6)
Hunter, Erin Firestar's quest (Warrior's Super Edition #1)
Hunter, Erin Midnight (Warriors the New Prophecy #1)
Hunter, Erin Moonrise (Warriors the New Prophecy #2)
Hunter, Erin Dawn (Warriors the New Prophecy #3)
Hunter, Erin Starlight (Warriors the New Prophecy #4)
Hunter, Erin Twilight (Warriors the New Prophecy #5)
Hunter, Erin Sunset (Warriors the New Prophecy #6)
Jarvis, Robin The Alchemist’s Cat (The Deptford Histories)
Jarvis, Robin The Dark portal ( Deptford Mice Trilogy)
Jarvis, Robin The Thorn Ogres of Hagwood (The Hagwood Trilogy)
Jones, Diana Wynne Cart and Cwidder (The Dalemark Quartet)
Kay, Elizabeth The Divide
Kay, Elizabeth Back to the Divide
Kay, Elizabeth Jinx on the Divide
Kerr, Philip The Akhennaten adventure (Children of the Lamp #1)
Kerr, Philip The Blue Djinn of Babylon (Children of the Lamp #2)
Kerr, Philip The Cobra King of Kathmandu (Children of the Lamp #3)
Kerr, Philip The Day of the Djinn Warriors (Children of the Lamp #4)
Kerr, Philip The Eye of the Forest (Children of the Lamp #5)
Kilworth, Garry Attica
Kingsley, Kaza The Dragon's Eye (Erec Rex#1)
Kingsley, Kaza The Monsters of Otherness (Erec Rex #2)
Kingsley, Kaza The Search for Truth (Erec Rex #3)
Kurtz, Jane The Feverbird claw
Landry, Derek Skulduggery Pleasant
Landry, Derek Skulduggery Pleasant: Playing with fire
Lasky, Katheryn Guardians of Ga’hoole series
Laurie, Victoria Oracles of Delphi keep
L’Engle, Madeline A wrinkle in time (Time trilogy #1)
L’Engle, Madeline A wind in the door (Time Trilogy #2)
L’Engle, Madeline A swiftly titling planet (Time Trilogy #3)
L’Engle, Madeline Many waters (Time Trilogy #4)
LeGuin, Ursula K. A Wizard of Earthsea (Earthsea Cycle #1)
LeGuin, Ursula K. The Tombs of Atuan (Earthsea Cycle #2)
LeGuin, Ursula K. The Farthest Shore (Earthsea Cycle #3)
LeGuin, Ursula K. tehanu: the last book of Earthsea (Earthsea Cycle #4)
Levine, Gail Carson Ella Enchanted
Lewis, C. S. The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe (The Chronicles of Narnia #1)
McKinley, Robin The Blue Sword
McKinley, Robin The Hero and the Crown
McNamee, Eoin The Navigator (Navigator Trilogy #1)
McNamee, Eoin City of Time (Navigator Trilogy #2)
McNamee, Eoin The Frost Child (Navigator Trilogy #3)
Melling O.R. The Hunter's Moon (Chronicles of Faerie #1)
Melling, O.R. The Summer King (Chronicles of Faerie #2)
Melling O.R. The Light-bearer's Daughter (Chronicles of Faerie #3)
Melling, O.R. The Book of Dreams (Chronicles of Faerie #4)
Morris, Gilbert The Squire’s Tale (Squire’s Tales series)
Mull, Brandon Fablehaven (Fablehaven #1)
Mull, Brandon Rise of the Evening Star (Fablehaven #2)
Mull, Brandon Grip of the Shadow Plague (Fablehaven #3)
Mull, Brandon Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary (Fablehaven #4)
Nation, Caleb Bran Hambric: the Farfield Curse
Nimmo, Jenny Midnight for Charlie Bone (Children of the Red King #1)
Nimmo, Jenny Charlie Bone and the Time Twister (Children of the Red King #2)
Nimmo, Jenny Charlie Bone and the Invisible Boy (Children of the Red King #3)
Nimmo, Jenny Charlie Bone and the castle of mirrors (Children of the Red King #4)
Nimmo, Jenny Charlie Bone and the Hidden King (Children of the Red King #5)
Nimmo, Jenny Charlie Bone and the Beast (Children of the Red King #6)
Nimmo, Jenny Charlie Bone and the Shadow (Children of the Red King #7)
Nix, Garth Sabriel (The Abhorsen Trilogy #1)
Nix, Garth Lirael: daughter of the Clayr (Abhorsen Trilogy #2)
Nix, Garth Abhorsen (Abhorsen Trilogy #3)
Nix, Garth The Fall (The Seventh Tower series #1)
Nix, Garth The Castle (The Seventh Tower series #2)
Nix, Garth Aenir (The Seventh Tower series #3)
Nix, Garth Above the Veil (The Seventh Tower series #4)
Nix, Garth Into battle (The Seventh Tower series #5)
Nix, Garth The Violet Keystone (The Seventh Tower series #6)
Nix, Garth Grim Tuesday (Keys to the Kingdom #1)
Nix, Garth Mister Monday (Keys to the Kingdom #2)
Nix, Garth Drowned Wednesday (Keys to the Kingdom #3)
Nix, Garth Sir Thursday (Keys to the Kingdom #4)
Nix, Garth Lady Friday (Keys to the Kingdom #5)
Nix, Garth Superior Saturday (Keys to the Kingdom #6)
Norton, Mary The Borrowers (Borrowers #1)
Norton, Mary The Borrowers Afield (Borrowers #2)
Norton, Mary The Borrowers Afloat (Borrowers #3)
Norton, Mary The Borrowers Aloft (Borrowers #4)
Norton, Mary The Borrowers Avenged (Borrowers #5)
Norton, Mary Poor Stainless: A New Story About the Borrowers (Borrowers #6)
Norton, Mary The Magic Bed Knob; or, How to Become a Witch in Ten Easy Lessons
Norton, Mary Bonfires and Broomsticks
Owen, James Here, there be dragons (Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica #1)
Owen, James The Search for the Red Dragon (Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica #2)
Paolini, Christopher Eragon (Inheritance #1)
Paolini, Christopher Eldest (Inheritance #2)
Paolini, Christopher Brisingr, or the seven promises of Eragon Shadeslayer and Saphira Bjartskular (Inheritance #3)
Patterson, James Witch and Wizard
Pierce, Tamora Alanna the first adventure (Song of the Lioness #1)
Pierce, Tamora First test (Protector of the small #1)
Pierce, Tamora Sandry’s book (Circle of Magic #1)
Pierce, Tamora Trickster’s choice
Pierce,Tamora Trickster’s Queen
Pierce, Tamora Wild Magic (The Immortals #1)
Pratchett, Terry The color of magic (Discworld)
Prineas, Sarah The Magic Thief (Magic Thief #1)
Prineas, Sarah The Magic Thief: Lost (Magic Thief #2)
Prior, Natalie Lily Quench series
Pullman, Philip The Golden Compass (Dark Materials #1)
Pullman, Philip The Subtle knife (Dark Materials #2)
Pullman, Philip The Amber spyglass (Dark Materials #3)
Riordan, Rick The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson & the Olympians #1)
Riordan, Rick The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson & the Olympians #2)
Riordan, Rick The Titan's Curse (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #3)
Riordan, Rick The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson & the Olympians #4)
Riordan, Rick Percy Jackson: the Demi-God Files (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #5)
Rodda, Emily Rowan of Rin (Rowan of Rin #1)
Rodda, Emily The Forests of silence (Deltora Quest #1)
Rodda, Emily Dragons of Deltorra series
Rollins, James Jake Ransom and the Skull King's Shadow
Sage, Angie Magyk (Septimus Heap #1)
Sage, Angie Flyte (Septimus Heap #2)
Sage, Angie Physik (Septimus Heap #3)
Sage, Angie Queste (Septimus Heap #4)
Scott, Michael The Alchemyst: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel #1
Scott, Michael The Magician: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel #2
Scott, Michael The Sorceress: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel #3
Sensel, Joni The Humming of Numbers
Sensel, Joni The Farwalker's Quest
Skye, Obert Leven Thumps and the gateway to Foo (Leven Thumps #1)
Skye, Obert Leven Thumps and the whispered secret (Leven Thumps #2)
Skye, Obert Leven Thumps and the eyes of Want (Leven Thumps #3)
Skye, Obert Leven Thumps and the wrath of Ezra (Leven Thumps #4)
Sleigh, Barbara Carbonel, King of the Cats (#1)
Sleigh, Barbara The Kingdom of Carbonel (#2)
Sleigh, Barbara Carbonel and Calidor: Being the Further Adventures of a Royal Cat (#3)
Smith, Sherwood Wren to the rescue (Wren books)
Smith, Sherwood Wren’s quest (Wren books)
Smith, Sherwood Crown duel (Crown and Court Duet #1)
Snicket, Lemony The Bad Beginning (A series of unfortunate events #1)
Stewart, Paul & Riddell, Chris Beyond the deep woods (The Edge Chronicles #1)
Stewart, Paul & Riddell, Chris Stormchaser (The Edge Chronicles #2)
Stewart, Paul and Riddell, Chris Midnight over Sanctaphrax (Edge Chronicles #3)
Stewart, Paul and Riddell, Chris The Curse of the Gloamglozer (Edge Chronicles #4)
Stewart, Paul and Riddell, Chris The Last of the Sky Pirates (Edge Chronicles #5)
Stewart, Paul and Riddell, Chris Vox (Edge Chronicles #6)
Stewart, Paul and Riddell, Chris Freeglader (Edge Chronicles #7)
Stewart, Paul and Riddell, Chris The Winter Knights (Edge Chronicles #8)
Stewart, Paul and Riddell, Chris Clash of the Sky Galleons (Edge Chronicles #9)
Stone, Jeffrey Tiger (Five Ancestors #1)
Stone, Jeffrey Monkey (Five Ancestors #2)
Stone, Jeffrey Snake (Five Ancestors #3)
Stone, Jeffrey Crane (Five Ancestors #4)
Stone, Jeffrey Eagle (Five Ancestors #5)
Stone, Jeffrey Mouse (Five Ancestors #6)
Stroud, Jonathan The Amulet of Samarkand (The Bartimaeus Trilogy #1)
Stroud, Jonathan The Golem’s eye (The Bartimaeus Trilogy #2)
Stroud, Jonathan Ptolemy's gate (The Bartimaeus Trilogy #3)
Stroud, Jonathan Heroes of the valley
Tolkien, J. R. R. The Hobbit
Tolkien, J. R. R. The Fellowship of the ring (Lord of the Rings #1)
Travers, P.L. Mary Poppins (#1)
Travers, P.L. Mary Poppins Comes Back (#2)
Travers, P.L. Mary Poppins Opens the Door (#3)
Travers, P.L. Mary Poppins in the Park (#4)
Travers, P.L. Mary Poppins From A to Z (#5)
Travers, P.L. Mary Poppins in the Kitchen (#6)
Travers, P.L. Mary Poppins in Cherry Tree Lane (#7)
Travers, P.L. Mary Poppins and the House Next Door (#8)
Turner, Megan Whalen The Thief
Weis, Margaret Dragons of Autumn Twilight (Dragonlance Chronicles)
Winthrop, Elizabeth Castle in the attic
Zambreno, Mary Frances A plague of sorcerors
Zambreno, Mary Frances Journeyman wizard
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