I've been trying to find ways to publicize our incredibly cool library programs to a wider audience.
In my search for places to promote our Author Programs in particular, I've found that there are plenty of places you can find listings for author appearances in the Twin Cities.
One thing I did notice is that many of the larger news sites list mainly bookstore events. I don't know if this means they get moola on the side from them or if libraries just don't think to advertise with them ( I will say that none of them posted my submitted events so who knows).
Meeting authors is always thrilling for a bookish type like myself. Most of the time, these folks are just fascinating and immensely likeable people who happen to create some of your favorite fictional characters or who write on topics of high interest. You have the chance to ask about character and plot and inspiration. Ideal!
Here's where to find your favorite authors:
Libraries have always been a natural place for authors and readers to meet. In the last few years we have all been able to bring in more local and national authors. Check your local library web site for the latest appearances. Visit the MELSA website for links to Twin Cities area libraries to see what is coming up near you.

Online Events Calendars
There are a wide array of places to find events of all types. The sites below feature literary events.
My favorite for literary events is the Twin Cities Literary Calendar (Rain Taxi) http://www.raintaxi.com/twincitiesliterarycalendar. Packed with author events, I would look here first if I were you! Not only have they always posted my library author events (hugs!), they have the best listing of what is happening at venues all over the Twin Cities.
They also offer a Twin Cities Literary Punchcard which allows you to get credit for attending events at participating venues. Twelve punches gets you a gift certificate at a participating bookstore. Nice! Find out more here.
Minnesota Women's Press lists many events of interest to women. The online calendar gives brief descriptions with times and dates.
Hazel & Wren http://www.hazelandwren.com/events/ This duo says of their calendar "an all-inclusive, totally informational calendar of Minneapolis/St. Paul literary events" but it actually lists relatively few, but perhaps they are new and people haven't found them. The site has tons of book talk as well, so check it out.
Scout Me The site says it is in Beta but it lists many literary events in the Twin Cities. Use the search box to list your interest and locale.
Club Book http://www.clubbook.org/ Sponsored by MELSA (Metropolitan Libraries) this ongoing author series brings remarkable authors to Twin Cities area libraries.
MinnPost http://www.minnpost.com/bookclubclub/ Author events are listed on the site's oddly named "Book Club Club" page.
Bookstore Events
Check the site for your local bookstore to see what is coming up. Three local bookstore with great lsitings are:
Magers & Quinn http://www.magersandquinn.com/index.php?main_page=event A surprising robust list of author events throughout the Twin Cities.
Red Balloon Bookshop http://www.redballoonbookshop.com/ A charming store that hosts children’s and young adult authors.
Wild Rumpus Children’s Book events with major authors in a tiny space. http://www.wildrumpusbooks.com/
News Sites
Television and Print Newspaper sites can have listings for author appearances. Some of the smaller and online only papers do a great job of publicizing local events. My favorite of these is the Patch Newspapers. They really have created a robust reflection of their communities online.

Minnesota Newspapers Online Looking for your own community newspaper and their events listings online? Visit the Minnesota Newspapers Online site to locate your paper.
CityPages Use the search box to get listings or visit the main calendar page.
Sun Newspapers Covering many suburbs, the Sun Newspapers are great about listing local events. http://www.mnsun.com/
Thisweek Newspapers http://www.thisweeklive.com/ Sometimes literary events are buried in their not so easy to locate calendar, but always worth checking here.
KSTP http://www.kstp.com/index.shtml On their events page "Things to do" choose Events Calendar then Talks and Readings from the "categories" at the left. Mostly bookstore news.
WCCO Literary & Books Events Heavy on Barnes & Noble events and Nook Classes but worth a peek.
Kare 11 Look under Community then Community Calendar, then category Talks and Readings (these news sites appear to be designed by the same entity.) Kare 11's site lists a variety of venues, not just bookstores.
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