Saturday, March 14, 2015

First "Garden Tour" of the Season, It's All About the Brown

We've had 50's and 60's for a week. It would be easy to be fooled into thinking we're getting that mythological thing called Early Spring.

I have been bringing out my garden ornaments and shelves which are made of metal or plastic, they can take a sudden tragic return to winter.

I really can use the space in the garage that they're occupying, so it's all good.

Returning to a habit from early in my garden career, I am doing my first "tour" of the season, going bed by bed and noting if any green is showing anywhere, and if trees and shrubs made it through the winter.

I also note any changes I'm hoping to make.

I've only covered half the gardens, but my blueberries all look good, as does my nectarine in its pot of a home.

I thought last year's new pink blueberry might not be viable, but when I broke off a bit of stem it was green inside so it is fine.

The arborvitae along the south wall seem nice and green and took little winter damage it seems, so I have high hopes for nice lush growth this year.

Here are some nice brown pics, imagine these in a month if the weather continues or improves green and full of life.

Imagine if you will daylilies and yarrow.


Pink Lemonade (?) Blueberry

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