Thursday, March 25, 2021

Spring At Last, Fool's Spring Or Not

 March 25, and the skies are blue.  More importantly, all of the snow and ice are gone from every part of the yard.

There's a Garden Bloom Day on the 15th of each month hosted by May Dreams Gardens.  I either don't have anything in bloom or forget about it in summer, when I actually have blooms, so I thought Ms. Inconsistent would try taking a picture of the gardens on the 20th of each month.

You can see there was still snow and ice on the 20th.

March 20, 2021


The bed I call P1 (Perennial One) to avoid calling it "The Kidney Bed".  Note the beagle who loves zooming through this area.

 This is P2.  I put the chicken wire "temporary" fence around it last year when I noticed both dogs using it as a toidy.   I also went wild and loaded it with perennials that may or may not make a comeback.  I suddenly found myself wanting to grow some of the perennials I used to grow.  If they do all make it through winter, I'll be in a pickle for space in short order.  It happens!

This is P3.  Two lilacs, some scrubby volunteer trees I'm going to see if Mr. DOA can remove this year (don't tell him yet), a dwarf tree of some kind that is unhappy but alive, a heuchera that needs to be moved, random hostas...I put little garden fence around it.  I plan to put my two greenhouses here right up against the vegetable garden fence so I can have the benefit of that sunny area for sprouts without taking up precious garden space.  I thought it might make a sort of nice little "nursery" space.

This sad little spot gets medium sun and I've never used it well.  I put a Sarah Bernhardt Peony here last fall and a couple of other things.  I'd like it to be a sweet little spot.

The side yard which typically looks better than the rest of the yard because of it's sunshine.  It is a bit of a challenge now that there are once again two dogs in the space.  I got this.  Last year I went crazy buying shepherds hooks as a clever way of using the space here.  The problem is it's easier to find the hooks than it is to find hanging baskets to use with them.

I found two macrame plant hangars I thought worked nicely, and had a brief period where I thought I should learn macrame to create my own.  I never picked up on it when it was sort of a craze.  We shall see if I pick up the craft now.

The little patio my husband created last season is already a nice warm (relatively) place to sit and dream of the garden and write up my garden notes.

The glorious vegetable garden.  This year, weary of the pandemic shortages even in the seed biz, I decided to just buy seeds locally and only things that can be direct seeded.

The "crescent" garden.  Last year I had marigolds and moss roses here. Rabbits ate every single thing down to the ground.   Very discouraging.  I'm not sure what I'll try. Something in a large pot would have a chance.

Last year this was filled with flowers and a new tall garden shelf/stand.  There was some rabbit damage here, but not so much as in the crescent bed.  An odd thing that got devoured were some hollyhocks I planted from seed at the very back.  I'll have to find a way to protect them if they come back till they're tall enough to be out of reach for the rabbits.

Ms. CrazyPlants extended this bed around the corner and put in a few perennials.  It's highly likely I'll extended it just a tiny bit more this spring.

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