Saturday, March 8, 2025

DOAs Saturday Puzzles: An Answer Key for the March 1 2025 Rebus

 This is a quote from T S Eliot, Murder in the Cathedral, I

The last temptation is the greatest treason: To do the right deed for the wrong reason. 



If you enlarge, you can see hints for the words in the puzzle.

Posts Resume Next Week


I am down and out with some bizarre thing. What would mom say? This too shall pass. Take care!

Friday, March 7, 2025

Five Things Friday March 7, 2025

 Ah, spring is in the air. March is going to be jam packed for us at DOA Central. I’m hoping for some nice outside time. Don’t jinx me, now.

The eternal question “What makes us human” answered at last!

Forget about last week’s grenade. Get yourself a phone book somehow and let our friends at The Art of Manliness show you how to tear that baby in half.

We haven’t had any stylin’ suitcases for awhile. How about this adorable little dolls house?

Our dogs don’t like us to be out of their site, especially the big girl who is a mix. If constant adoration isn’t for you, try one of these breeds.

Keep it classic.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

DOA On TV March 2, 2025


NCIS Origins

No show again this week.  A commercial for it during Survivor says the next episode is March 24.


Will Trent: Abigail B 

 In another episode split between the GBI (Will) and the Atlanta Police Dept. (Ormewood and Angie), Will is out walking in a park and stops to use the rest room. As he's tying Betty to a bench (this freaked me out and I thought she'd be gone when he got back), he sees a little girl being dragged along by the hand by a man.  Something in her face bothers Will, and when he comes rushing back out and grabs Betty, he isn't able to see her anywhere.  Following the route they seemed to be taking, he finds men's clothing on the ground, and a pink puffy little girl's coat.

He's certain the girl has been kidnapped, and he's right, as the GBI helps him track down the man, then tries to get him to say where the girl is.

Lightening the episode are Angie helping a man get to the ER after a car knocks him off his bike, and Ormewood moonlighting by doing security for a reality TV star for the weekend.




Survivor 48: The Get To Know You Game

This group of players is hitting the ground running.  Everyone has hard hitting, sure fire techniques for game dominance   Some actually think getting to know the other players is a key strategy, others have no time for it. 

Playing harder than everyone is Sai, who is pushing everything.  An alliance that suits her needs.  Finding a Beware Advantage with a tumbler code that unlocks an idol.  Deciding who goes home first.

I loved the opening challenge that had the pristine new group crawling under a net in some mud.  Then three players try to climb up on a platform using themselves and some sandbags to get there.  So much slimy sliding!  There is just something so comical about the mud caked players. 

Following the initial challenge, one team got full camp supplies.  The other two teams sent a player off to compete for a smaller camp supply set.  I liked how the two were tasked with following the trail of a buried rope, to get a pot down off a tree, which they used to try to fill a glass jar with water to float a key to the top.  One of the guys was using brute force on all the challenge pieces, and he broke his water jug, ending his chances.  Magnanimously, he helped the other guy finish filling his jug and get the final key.

Last season had so many villainous players, it was a bit daunting to watch.  The players this time all seem to be ready to power their way to the finish, they are so competitive.  We will see how many allow villainy to rule their games.

My favorite player is Eva Erickson, a Minnesota native who is captain of a men's hockey team. She's a powerhouse competitor, and so likeable.  She reveals in a touching scene to a fire fighter dad that she is on the autism spectrum, and she doesn't want everyone to know right away, so they will accept her for her skills.  She says she can get overwhelmed and asks if that happens if he can subtly help her calm back down.  Those two.  The best team ever.   I hope she wins it all.

First out was Stephanie, a blond, laid back seeming woman who had decided to play it cool and relaxed, and not be her usual take charge self.  Sai had no time for getting to know her or anyone and out she went.

I wanted to link this first post of the season to the Survivor recaps done by Entertainment Weekly's Dalton Ross.  I always agree with him on game play and characters, though not on overall pick to win out of the gate. 


Elspeth: Tearjerker

A young woman has dinner with an older man in a fancy restaurant.  He indulges in the food and drink he usually doesn't allow himself to have.  At one point, the woman puts something in his drink so obviously, I would have thought everyone in the restaurant would see.

Off to his apartment they go, with the woman sending a steak dinner in a package down a trash shoot on the way.  She helps him get his pajamas on, buttoning them up as if he's a child, and then she tucks him in and leaves.  On the way out, she has on long gold gloves so as not to leave finger prints.

Cue the wife next door in her mini-apartment waking up with her lover, who finds his body.


Elspeth has a bit of trouble with this one, as there are many things that don't add up.  She does find her prey, but something about the woman appeals to her and she doesn't want to find her guilty and bring in the police once she understands what really happened, though of course she does. 

Matlock: Pregame

Still struggling with her newly renewed guilt at Ellie's death, there's an odd scene where Matty munches (?) marijuana with Senior and they have a sort of bonding moment, attempting to let go of their various guilts.


Alfie, who hasn't been on much since earlier in the season, gets to come to work with Matty for Family Day .  He does a good job of acting like the sullen grandson who doesn't care for Matty much, while he's really there to find a way to get location information on Julian during the key time of the information coverup.   There's a moment where Matty is sneaking into Olympia's office to get Alfie's missing wallet with their real address in it, that it seems as if Olympia knows all about Matty's subterfuges.  But no, she recognizes Matty is high from her time in Senior's office.

In a new wrinkle, Matty has a sister named Bitsy who just needs to stop by and make sure everything is alright with Matty since she avoided a family event and has not been communicating.  Bitsy seems a bit much.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

DOA's Saturday Puzzles An Answer Key for the Witchcraft for Wayward Girls Wordfind

 Here you go, in case you missed any words.  The review for the book Witchcraft for Wayward Girls should be on my book blog now, so head on over for the scoop.




DOA's Saturday Puzzles: A Rebus for March 1, 2025

 Welcome to March!  We got this.  As you secretly suspected, I use Bartlett's Familiar Quotations for my various puzzles that are based on quotes.  I was going through the book chronologically, but here I just opened to a random page and picked out something that I thought would make a good rebus puzzle.  ^-^



Click to enlarge.  I used the Festisite Rebus Maker for this Puzzle.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Five Things Friday February 28, 2025

 There we go, February gone in a trice. Not a bad month, unless you were anyone at all.

Thankfully, The Art Of Manliness is here for you in case things really go south.

Best hope it’s just grenades and not a saucer attack!

Forget all of that, and work on your trip planning for Route 66. Don’t forget to stop for fudge.

It has been a very cold winter. The tiniest pup can give off the most heat, so hope on these cold nights your chihuahua chooses to sleep by you, not your spouse.

I bet it’s only me guessing the correct word starts with an F.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Seeds of Spring 2025

 These are my seeds for spring 2025, so far.  I will be looking on the racks for morning glory varieties, sweet peas, sunflowers and a few marigolds.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

DOA On TV February 23, 2024


NCIS Origins  There was no new episode this week.  The 14th episode will be airing Monday the 24th.  Then there's a bit more skipping.  Although the show is renewed for season 2, this season only has 18 episodes, and there aren't enough to show one each week.  There's an odd bit of scheduling!


Will Trent   Mariachi Shelley's Frankenstein

I was completely wrong, the brother in law didn't kill anyone. He turned out to be hiding his drug use from everyone though, which made him continue to look suspicious when the lights went out and he was creeping around.


A huge storm takes out the power in the building.  Angie and Will get awkwardly stuck in an elevator, then there's blood dripping down on them.   Angie gets a boost from Will and she sees her witness is dead on top of the elevator.  Once the brother in law is cleared, there's another stabbing, so everyone knows the real killer is in the building.  It's cat and mouse in the dark in a very intense episode.  

Some side characters are featured, such as the coroner who has to try to help the girl with multiple stab wounds. Though he was a surgical resident, he didn't take that path after a tragedy in the operating room.

The girl who is stabbed has, unknown to her, a mariachi band waiting to play to celebrate her birthday.

Excellent episode. 

Elspeth   Foiled Again

A new college admissions officer is found dead in a fencing practice room, cause of death : cat hair.

Leave it to Elspeth to latch on to mild mannered educational consultant Lawrence Grey, whose students were suddenly getting turned down for admission to the admissions officer's college. 

I must know if Carrie Preston did her own fencing.  It was so much fun, her against Matthew Broderick.

 Teddy, Elspeth's son makes an appearance, and he allows her to meet his boyfriend Roy.  Roy is much too nice and lets her quiz him for 90 minutes.

Kaya has her classwork complete so she can apply to become a detective.


Matlock    This Is That Moment

Olympia and Julian take opposite sides of a custody case, and their own divorce troubles keep popping out in the court room.

The case brings Matty right back to her own court appearance where she's taking custody of her grandson Alfie from her daughter Ellie who is a drug addict.  Past Matty is so full of righteous anger against her daughter, and in the present she's seeing that case with new eyes.

She asks Edwin if he blames her for Ellie's death (it happened right after the hearing, after Ellie begged her not to take Alfie) , and Edwin says sometimes.   You can keep nothing from Matty, she finds the correspondence Edwin says he lost from potentially Alfie's father.  It's a sad episode all around.


Watson  and House

I had forgotten for last weeks post I had watched the first episode of Watson, which I hoped to like.   I liked the idea of a clinic treating rare disorders, and like Watson and his aide Shinwell Johnson as characters, but the three young doctors and the clinic and the administrator were just off putting, so I decided to not watch more.


Oddly, this week, I was combing through the various services to find something to watch, when I came across House.  My husband and son both watched the show and really liked it, so I finally took a look.  I watched the pilot, then another episode.

The setup is way close to Watson.  House is this brilliant diagnostician.  He has three young assistants to bounce ideas off off.  There's a hospital administrator he clashes with, trying to do as little work as possible.  He only wants cases that interest him, apparently.


In this case, House is a rude, nasty piece of work.  He tosses ideas out for what may be wrong with a patient (the first one had a tapeworm in her brain, the second patient is suffering somehow from a measles virus from childhood), his assistants test for the diagnosed illness but also treat it to see if it works.  Holy sheet.

The cases are fascinating, the assistants in this case are great, the administrator is ace at her job, she just needs to get House to do his job.   

I won't be watching House, though, with such a piece of work as a main character.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

 My theme was renewal, thinking of spring incoming and the ever present theme of starting again fresh.






Emile Zola