Friday, June 28, 2024

Five Things Friday June 28, 2024

 Welcome to Five Things! This came up fast.

One: Nothing To See Here!

Two: Fizzies were exciting! Tasty! Thrilling! How did they ever stop making them?

Also, my brothers, who either were witty in their youth or they hung out with great wits, introduced to the household the withering phrase “That’s about as funny as a flash flood in a Fizzy Factory!” Har, har.

Three: A charming pattern for a needle keeper.

Four:What’s a puppy to do when they’ve shredded most of their toys? 

Five: A sewing machine drawing that makes sense.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Five Things Friday June 21, 2024

 Greetings! Yet another slow, rainy newsweek.  Even so, I’ve scrounged up five things.

Good thing I have a puppy to buy toys for. But the pup wouldn’t love this toy. Remember how fun these were? It did seem magical to peel and press and stick and move these all around.

Lurch and his family?

Mom always fixed everything, so I don’t remember a TV repair man, nope.

Thanks to my brothers building roads in the sand in the back yard, I’ve a life long love of little cars.

I thought about saving this to put in someone’s retirement card, but why wait?

Monday, June 17, 2024

Separated At Birth?

 Just two hound buddies dozing.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

June Garden 6/16/24

 A little better organized, more things potted and planted. Lush from more rain. 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Five Things Friday June 14, 2024

 One:   What’s Bugging Me?

An unholy amount of mosquitos! Even on windy days some really big, bold blood suckers are in flight.

As you see, I’m not imaging the sheer numbers of them.

Two: Camp Ridley has been in the news a bit. I only know it from seeing signs for it on the way to see my mother in law, but it seems interesting.

Three:  More Minnesota History, with Miss Minnesota looking happy and casual way above the streets of Minneapolis.

Four:  I’ve been painting things in the garden, trellises and pots.  These are just the colors I’m looking for.

Five: 2026 is the Centennial of Route 66. We will be back on the highway for it! I hope we are lucky and get to spend the night at the Blue Swallow again!

Friday, June 7, 2024

Five Things Friday June 7, 2024

 Yay for the return of an old meme. The original intent of Five Things Friday I’m pretty sure was/is to note five good/inspiring things that happened each week. For some reason this perkiness bugged me and I couldn’t maintain it. 

In this version, I just plink out there any five things from the week. So easy.

One:  We are cat sitting and dog sitting my son’s pets this week.  What a crew.

Two: Year Of The Worm

It has been an insanely wet spring. I’ve been digging in the garden quite a bit anyway. So. Many. Worms! I’m pretty sure they’re all just earth worms, but I’m paranoid about the new super threat Jumping Worms. Eek. How can I tell if the ones I’m digging are regular or Jumping without looking at them all too closely. So gross.

Then, there appear a bunch of bright green worms. Eeew, they’re Cabbage Worms. Drawn by my innocent Purple Broccoli seedlings, is likely. I tossed my seedlings in the trash in a trice. Good thing I haven’t gotten around to planting radishes, nasturtiums, or alyssum. Nas-tee.

No worm portraits will be provided, sorry.

Three: An Ocean of Slobber

Remember the movie Beethoven where the dog shakes himself and there’s slobber everywhere?

I’ve always had beagles. And carpet. I didn’t know my beagle slobbered, but he’s a fountain. Then I adopt a big fuzzy angel of a dog who really has a traveling pool wherever she goes. Add my son’s dog this week. We’re floating ….

Four: I loved this show.

Five:I have the bricks, I have the paint.