Thursday, December 9, 2021

Nancy Drew and the Burning of the Sorrows


 The Crew is back to trying to find out the nature of the Man in The Hat, whom Bess now calls Copperhead, because of an insignia he wears.

Bess, ever trusting of Temperance, asks for help.  She's shown a device that can be used as bait and trap for the creature.  Stealing it while Temperance is gone, she and Nancy go out into the woods and set the trap.

It catches something unexpected, an entity that feeds on sorrow.  Agent Park comes upon them just before the trap goes off, and becomes embroiled in an effort to save Temperance, who was struck with the full force of the creature's power.

Back at Temperance's manse, they try to feed the creature, now just outside, their own sorrows and Temperance's.  Temperance has by far the greatest sorrows.  Her daughter Charity was taken from her by the Women in White.  Even in death she was cheated, as Charity's husband uses the Soul Splitter he created to split Charity's soul into four parts, which become part of four soldiers on the Gettysburg battlefield. If there was an explanation of why he'd do this, I missed it.  We may get an explanation yet.

Worn by the battle for her memories, Temperance asks to be left alone. She has a lock of Charity's hair, and has a ritual that can restore her.

When she emerges, the Temperance we know is gone, replaced by a smirkingly evil version of Temperance's daughter Charity.

Apparently Temperance planned this all along.  She wanted Nancy's trust, which she now has temporarily...Nancy will see through her soon enough.

I really liked Temperance with actress Bo Martynowska.  She managed to seem sweet despite almost certainly being evil.  

The new actress, Olivia Taylor Dudley steps out, and there's no innocence to her at all.  So the character we wanted to like is now gone. I don't see how the Crew is going to take to this new incarnation,  We shall see.

Subplots were Ryan and Ace being trapped in the historical society by a ghost trying to tell them something.  Ace is atypically sarcastic with Ryan, chastising him for living in the Drew's house on their sofa.

Also, an old friend of Nick's surfaces, causing George to be a bit angry at her intrusion.  They do find Nick, who has simply been playing football.  A bit anti-climactic.

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