Saturday, August 31, 2024

Diagon Alley Blanket Complete!

 After making a baby blanket that was from regular yarn that may have been too heavy, I used some baby yarn I had on hand to make another tiny, lighter blanket. Long in the making, because that’s how I do things, the Diagon Alley blanket is complete as of today.

The blanket is named for the charming yarn it is made from. It is feathery soft and light, and would not weigh a baby down.  The border is Element L from Edie Eckman’s Every Which Way Crochet Borders, otherwise the design is mine. Who says I never finish anything?

Friday, August 30, 2024

Five Things Friday August 30, 2024

 What a rainy, gusty week. I don’t recall any rain in the forecast looking ahead to this week, but blammo! I’ve coiled my hose up out of the way for now.

One:  We lived in Minneapolis on Pillsbury Avenue. Some kid from the neighborhood showed us what fun it was to ride cardboard down a nearby hill. What a blast! Just thrilling.  All you had to do was remember to listen for oncoming trains and make sure you weren’t on or near the tracks when they came through.  For some reason, when our parents found out, we weren’t allowed to slide anymore.

Two:  We played so many board games and card games as a kid.  Though I never liked getting the Old Maid, I loved the cards themselves and the game play.

Three:  People who like Math are just DIFFERENT.

Four:  Over the winter I had fun looking at and for little vintage collectibles.  I think I used to have one of the leaning cats.  I would scoop one up if I saw it.  Don’t care for chalk and plastic fish, though.

Five: Your food remembrance of the week.  

Friday, August 23, 2024

Five Things Friday August 23, 2024

 One:  We call these “Pickle Things” in my family. Our display plate isn’t quite this fancy though.

Two:  This is so true. I look fine in the mirror most days. My hair looks blonde!

Three:  Old Dutch Potato Chips used to be my favorite. I would have loved to see them being made.

Four:  If I had one of these I’d be out on the road all the time just livin’ the life.

Five:  Looking at these two, I can’t decide which is more my personality.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Five Things Friday August 16, 2024

 Yikes, August is half over! Summer is almost gone. My garden is a jungle.  Hope you’re having a good week. 😁

One: For all of my list making, some days I just don’t accomplish much at all.  I don’t even have a cat to blame.

Two:  Remember when your kids were small and you had those little cooking irons shaped like Mickey Mouse, or, say a dinosaur?  My pancakes using them never looked like either thing.

Three:   I can’t really type, so when I look up from the keyboard and see what Autocorrect has done to simple words, I’m shocked, I tell you, shocked.  Whoa whoa never just hit send.

Four:  There may be no hope for me. I have a self threading sewing machine and it does the bobbin for you too while serving you dinner. Can’t make myself do it.

Five:   I didn’t learn to drive till I was 19. Oddly, I didn’t even want to drive. When I hit the road to learn, I was so dangerous. I drove onto someone’s lawn to avoid going on a busy road. Clever.  I passed some poor person on a hill and just gunned it to get past them, and closed my eyes so I didn’t have to see if there was an oncoming car. I drive much better now!  Just think, though, if I had had access to something like this!

Friday, August 9, 2024

Five Things Friday August 9, 2024

 Another week, another dose of utter charm.

One: Whether it’s moving or not, if it looks like a hostile, you stamp that thing down, in case it might move.

Two: For me, it’s the witch under the bed just waiting to grab any uncovered bit.

Three: More adorable paper doll outfits for paper doll fans.

Four: As if there isn’t a well kept file of your blatherings, Mr. DOA! So. Busted.

Five:  When I first met my husband he had a Santa toilet seat cover in the bathroom year around. This reminds me of that somehow!

Friday, August 2, 2024

Five Things Friday August 2, 2024

 Welcome to another relaxing Friday. Ready to cruise into a nice weekend? Aren’t we all.


Two: Is it National Sibling Week? It should be! I have six of them.

Three:  My life really is simple. I make it seem complex by making endless, detailed lists of things I could do, should do.

Four: In case the recent heat wave is getting to you, here’s another summery drink. It looks lovely, but where do you find green ice cream or sherbet?  Mint ice cream would be green, but 7Up and mint? Nope, nope.

Five:  I had forgotten about Mercurochrome till I saw this. Ouch, ouch. Making any wound worse for years and years.