Wednesday, May 17, 2017


On the menu: Hamburger Wild Rice Casserole, rolls, fresh fruit.

The casserole earns Mom's Tastes Like Your Foot's Asleep award.

It was poorly received by the locals, who pushed it around a little on their plates, after a bite, then slid it into the trash.

I personally thought it wasn't bad when doused in soy sauce.

Mr. DOA doesn't think it's as bad as " some of the things you guys come up with".

I think if broth was used instead of water, and maybe a few spices were added, this would be not a bad little meal.  I've never worked with wild rice before, and I am not sure if it was supposed to be sort of rubbery/crunchy.  I suspect not.  I certainly gave it the full hour of soaking.  Maybe it wants double that.

The fruit and bread were a nice accompaniment.    I really like planning meals with multiple parts and things that lighten up heavier dishes.  Also, if a new dish turns out to be blech, you have something else to eat.

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