Friday, July 22, 2011

BookNotes: Buried in Wolf Lake by Christine Husom

I always drag my hooves writing "reviews" because I want them to be done just so. So I never write them. Clever! Let me try doing a BookNote (short thoughts on the book)on my fine reading and see if I can overcome my internal editor.

Buried in Wolf Lake is the second book in Husom's Winnebago County series featuring Sergeant Corrine "Corky" Aleckson.

The books tend to feature a big scary crime and the resolution of that crime involves classic detective work and police procedure. There is something about the way Christine writes that makes you feel like you're riding along in Corky's car to the crime scene. It is so easy to picture everything.

Buried in Wolf Lake features a golden retriever bringing his mistress a human leg. The police arrive and have the grisly task of methodically securing the scene and attempting to dredge a shallow muddy lake for the other pieces. I'll always have this image of a perfect solo leg being shaded by it's own little jury-rigged tent to protect it from the sun while the search goes on.

Based on an actual crime that has never been resolved, Buried in Wolf Lake brings the reader into the mind of a person who would commit such a crime.

She also does a fantastic job of showing the impact of dealing with such grim crime on the police who must try to find the killer.

Christine on the web.

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