2016 was a real challenge and I am not sorry to see it go away. Faced with a possible year of 2017 where anything awful might happen, eek. We can only go forward, though, never stay in the present or revisit the past.
My thinking for the New Year personally is as it always is, look at what I like to do and do more of it, learn new things, try to spend more time with those I love and dodge those I don't. I'm so good at that last bit!
I love it to death now, and am a bonafide yarnaholic. Mastering techniques and pattern reading are high on my list. You'll see more more crochet here.

I've been collecting books and patterns for embroidery without actually doing any for a while now. What happened there is, on two separate projects, my thread, careful as I was, became hopelessly tangled at the back of the project. I have a huge dislike and zero patience for untangling knots. I will find a way to untangle and get back in there, because embroidery is one of the loveliest arts you can spend time on.
Thanks to the seed companies who know we're all crushed in a ball by winter and the state of the world. Life will find a way, the garden will thrive again in a few short months. I will find a way to keep the rabbits out!
I had a good year of fine reading and am writing down authors to try, and series to read, and I'm ready to have a really good cozy year in books. I joined Goodreads with my Merlyn book blog account and hope to do what I've not actually done, use Goodreads to share my reading and see what others like. I may try a book challenge in 2017. Have you seen those? You join the challenge on some site and it has a theme such as Historical Fiction, and you follow its guides to meet a reading goal. I'll post those as I find them over on Merlyn as well.
Speaking of Goodreads, I think I'll try for 50 again. When I was a librarian in Wheeling, WVa, we had a program "I Read 50 Books". The customer would take as long as they wished and read the 50 titles, noting them on a form we had. When they got to 50, they sat down with a librarian and had a nice chat about the books they'd read, fun for both! and they would get a red T-Shirt with the Library logo and I READ 50 BOOKS emblazoned across the front. So 50 it is, and I'll buy myself a nice literary t-shirt when I get to 50.
DOA at the Movies
I like doing the Saturday Night At The Movies feature, and am behind a film, I saw Fantastic Beasts and will be seeing Rogue One this week. I also would like to watch a film on Saturday nights from the comfort of my cozy couch, then write that up.
There are so many good shows on, and coming up for the midseason. I can't keep up, and I fell behind this fall big time. I'll catch up somehow.
Utter Foolishness
Cryptograms, Crosswords, Cartoons, Word Searches, Rebuses, and more to come, because they're fun. We are here solely to have fun.
Happiest of New Year's, travel safely, go forth and enjoy enjoy enjoy.
I love all your plans! Have a good 2017, no matter what happens.
ReplyDeleteNo matter what! Cheers!