Thursday, August 28, 2008

D.O.A. Recommends Scott Westerfeld's Uglies Series


I'm not really ready to write my review, but I did do the cartoon last week and I might as well put the beginnings of the post out here. I have had an actual comment on the icky spam graphic in the previous post by non other than D.O.A. Spouse. He wrote in the comment box, behold! This means deep deep things. The wondrous Floating Lush also called it "gross" maybe even "really gross". And my favorite game designer in training "Super B" doesn't care for it either. He wants the picture of Nosferatu I used with my vampires for teens list to always be at the top of the D.O.A. page. Lush will explain to him that there is already a Vampire Librarian blog so that would be not so charming as he thinks.

So, anywho, this intro is *not* the review. There is alot to think about when reading the four (so far) novels in the "Uglies Trilogy". How I love a trilogy that keeps on ticking! The novels in the series are:


The main character in the first three novels is Tally Youngblood. She is typical for an "Ugly" in her society--just waiting to turn 16 and have major surgeries that will transform her mind, body, and life. I really enjoyed following this character through her enforced tranformations.

The society she lives in is revealed very cleverly in each new novel. Like many dystopian novels, what seems a perfect society and life for its inhabitants is slowly revealed to be something very different. What struck me however as I read each one was, that I could see how the citizens of the city Tally lives in could enjoy the lives set out for them. It wasn't just a big black and white "society controls its people, society is evil" theme. The story and the society itself was multi-layered, and terribly flawed, but fascinating. More when I have more time to write.


  1. I love your cartoon! Very attention grabbing.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am just starting Little Brother by Cory Doctorow, and I think you'd like it too. (I'm only about 4 chapters in, but so far it's been great.)

  4. Oooh, you're a star. Scott Westerfeld knows that you're alive! Clever you! Jealous me.

  5. I left a post on his blog, giving me props for telling you about the books. ;)

    Very happy making, getting a shout out like that!

  6. I loved the cartoon, and the fact that SW put you on his site is so cool! Mona
