Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Survivor Catchup!

 Yikes I've fallen behind on my Survivor posts, and things have been so crazy in the game.  These folks are really feeling the pressure, and I think it's still the compressed season that is driving that.

On the November 17th episode, 

there were teams split at the immunity challenge. Two people would be voted out at tribal, two people would win immunity.  There was an extra prize to be won, beef stew and chicken stew for one tribe.

Erika wins immunity on one side and Xander wins immunity and stew for his group on the other.  These two were highly desired for a vote out, so there's scrambling of course on the beach.

Liana, who has straight out said how much she hates Xander, had the nerve to asks him if she could hold his idol, as he'd show his trust of her that way.  Boink!  

Despite much talk of loyalty and how Heather should go (no threat to anyone, she just bugs Shan), poor earnest, honest Naseer is voted out, idol in his pocket.

The second group seemed to have no clear favorite to vote out, but they got Evvie this time around.  She was looking good to hang on through pure charm and strength of will, but nope.

November 24th

The  episode nattily was titled Baby with a Machine Gun.  That's Heather describing Shan, I believe.  Rather sooner than I would have guessed, Shan acknowledged that she's going come gunning for Ricard, to his face.  How did that go?  Ricard scrambled and dug and this time Shan went home.  I was just relieved.  All the modern era players pride themselves on taking out the big threats asap, but they let themselves swim in Shan infested waters way too long.  

She's a super player, but utterly conniving and ruthless.  They should have taken her out sooner.  It turned out that Erika's suggestion of a split vote between Liana and Shan is what let them pull it off.

On her way out of tribal she told Ricard he has her vote and told Deshawn he's a snake.  Interesting.

My top four choices for winner of it all, in order, are:





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