Monday, March 7, 2022

My Sole Seed Order for 2022

 I was as charmed by all of the catalogs in my mailbox this January as anyone would be.  However, I overdid purchases for my garden considerably last year so I'm trying to be careful.  I also lost much of my garden, annuals, perennials, fruit, vegetables, everything! to a small incredibly hungry rabbit who somehow got past all of the guards we've placed around plants.  

This year, everything that can grow in a pot, and be placed off the ground will be.  Only direct seeded plants for the vegetable garden.  Well, one tomato will sneak in.

Here's where I'll start.


  1. I'm so sorry about the darn rabbit! Good luck with the planters.

    1. We've had rabbits before but nothing like this one. We will be doubling our efforts to keep them out this year.
