Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Vegetable Garden February 15, 2023

 I thought I’d enjoy taking a picture of my favorite garden (the reliably sunny vegetable garden) each month this year, on the 15th. Naturally I missed January right away, though it was on my calendar. 

New month, new opportunity. It will be splendid come May but it’s currently deep freeze time. At least the sun came out on what was predicted to be a rainy, slushy, windy day.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Throwback Thursday: My First Garden

 I used my Epson Fast Photo to scan these and they're all a bit fuzzy. I'll have to re-scan, I think.  Anyway, I poured more time and thought and effort and money (for plants) into this garden.  You may not be able to detect that, but then again, I had no clue what I was doing.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Happy February!


February can sometimes seem awfully long for such a short month.  Let's hope it skates right along.

February Goals:






Get all my seed and plant orders in.

Make garden maps.

One cake a week.

Wrangle bread. Down, bad yeast, down.

Watch good movies and TV.

Have a good February!