Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The Book of Boba Fett (Spoilery)


The Book of Boba Fett has been doing sort of a slow burn in episodes 1-4.  Boba is trying to take over Jabba the Hutt's territory, so far unsuccessfully.  While he's been gathering allies, most episodes have also had him in his bacta tank reliving the past.  

That bacta tank, plus his disrespectful would be allies, plus his lack of a helmet in most scenes has made him seem curiously weak.

Suddenly, with episodes five and six Boba is peripheral to the story as the incredibly bad ass, ever appealing Mandolorian takes over the episodes.  In today's episode, we've got Grogu and Luke Skywalker in large swaths of the episode.

Luke looks astonishingly like his young self in the episode, teaching Grogu the Force, showing him what he could do if he applies himself.  Just as he was shown by Yoda.  The cuteness of Grogu is undiminished, and even Luke the Serious, as he is here, must be smitten.

The Mandolorian delivers the tiny Beskar armor for Grogu but isn't allowed to see him and talk to him as it would disturb the training.

At episodes end, Grogu is asked to choose either Yoda's Light Saber or The Mandolorian Armor.  If he chooses the armor, he must leave and go to the Mandolorian.

What would Luke do?  Ya, Luke would rejoin his friends. Will Grogu, who clearly misses the Mandolorian as much as the Mandolorian misses him pick the armor? I hope so!

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