This is the 100th post for this blog in 2024. It's way off midnight so "in before the lock" as they used to say.
I've spent the year much as I always do, reading, gardening, playing, crafting, watching TV. It's a good life.
We adopted a five month old Great Pyrenees/Hound mix in April because I had this desire while we were walking our dogs in February and March to have a nice mellow girl beagle (we always have beagles). I wasn't seeing a girl beagle who was the One. You just know from their faces. I decided to branch out a little, and to my surprise I considered getting a puppy for the first time since our OG beagle.
Then I saw this sweet loving face, and asked to meet her. I didn't think I had a chance, particularly since there was a younger woman who would barely let me get close enough to pet the dog. We did get that puppy and she makes the world a better place. Though she pulls so hard we can't walk her, and she ate my slippers. We will get training in the new year. We did go to a training course, but it was focused on really getting to know the dog rather than on the more practical details. She's my Soul Dog.
My garden was in one of those freak years. Cold spring, astonishing amounts of rain, then drought by August, essentially. All my years of garden knowledge couldn't save this one. Garden catalogs are coming out at good speed. Gardeners never let a bad year get them down.
Thanks for stopping by the blog, may your 2025 be an excellent year.