Sunday, December 9, 2012

DOA's Toss it in the Crockpot Stew

I make this stew mostly for my husband.  He likes it so much I feel guilty taking any away from him.  Maybe he just gets tired of his chips and dip now and then :)   I started out making my stew from cookbook recipes but they always had you browning the meat in something that resulted in a waxy layer of fat after refrigeration.  Ack.


One package stew meat

2 tablespoons flour

4 Russet Potatoes

4 stalks celery (the single branches not the whole "head")

4 large carrots

One Package Recipe Secrets Beefy Onion (both packets are used)

McCormick Brown or Herb Gravy Mix 4 packages

4 cups of water  (if you have 4 cups of juices from a roast you've cooked in the crockpot of 4 cups or Swanson Beef Broth you can use those)

Heat oven to 350 degrees.  Place stew meat in a plastic bag with two tablespoons of flour to coat.  Put on a foil covered pan and bake to brown for 20 minutes.

Turn the crockpot on high.  Place liquid, Recipe Secrets, and gravy mix in and stir till well mixed.

Cut vegetables in small pieces.  About a 1/4 inch for celery and carrots.  I halve the potatoes then cut them again into wedges that are about 1/2 inch thick.   Toss the veggies in as you get them cut.  Stir stew with each addition.

Add stew meat.

Cook 9 hours on medium.   If you have time you can put on high for the first two hours and be ready in about seven hours.

You can also cook on the stovetop in a large pot for about an hour and a half or so, checking on the doneness of the veggies (soft when poked with a fork) and eat it much sooner.   You have to stir frequently howerever so it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan.  Far better to toss in the crockpot and away you go!

I took a picture of it with my iPod touch but it did not come out well to say the least.

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