Saturday, January 31, 2015

Garden Notes: DOA in the Garden

I used to have this little skellie (I think I tossed it, alas) that was to be my DOA logo/whatever.  I found this shot of her to use as my DOA in the Garden icon/thingie.   (The words are flowing this morning!)

So.  I've started going through my catalogs a second time for an actual order list.  I've pared down the vegetables I'm growing to a more favorable salad size.  I love lettuces so I'll let myself go a bit overboard there.

Since I keep failing with carrots I will try just one variety.  I promise.

Dropping to cherry and grape tomatoes which always grow nicely for me with the exception of two favorites:  Fourth of July and Black Krim.

I am set to grow more flowers this season, with Zinnias in all their forms being given a try. 

Although I've not been successful with Sweet Peas in the past, a few are calling to me.

I downsized my gardens considerably last season so I'm hoping that helps.

Here to cheer you are a couple of pictures from my early vegetable garden.

Some early efforts at having a vegetable garden area.  Beagles, rabbits, and my neighbor at the time "The Creature"  laughed at my fencing efforts.

I wish this covering had lasted a few more seasons.


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