This got me traveling down memory road to the days when I lived in lovely mosquito free West Virginia. I proudly wore a t-shirt (purchased here on a visit) that displayed an unnaturally large mosquito with the motto "Minnesota State Bird". People would say "oooohh is it really the state bird?" Sillies.
While they lacked mosquitos, they did have 17 year locusts. I only lived there for about three years but I was sooo lucky to have my final year there be year 17! I also came across a letter I wrote to my mom which said in part "you will have read up on the dread cicadas by now. No doubt you are shuddering in anticipation of the ugly summer (click-click) in store for yours truly." Included on the back of the letter was this great example of my artistic ways.

I remember cicadas from Louisiana; noisy, but at least they stay off of you. We also had fire ants there, which I think are worse than mosquitoes.