Hi D.O.A.-ites, here is another comic strip generator tool that is pretty slick. I say that before I see if it fits on my blog :) The Bitstrips site allows you lots of room in the text balloons (maybe too much if you're verbose like me), and it is easy to add panels. I had trouble when I chose "embed" to put the toon here and ended up emailing the toon to myself, saving it on my hard drive, then inserting it as a picture.
I really love the book There's nothing to do on Mars, let's hope the strip does it some justice. Visit Chris Gall's web site, which includes a short video clip promoting "There's nothing to do on Mars". Chris's Engravings page includes a picture of our former governor Jesse Ventura, for all of you fans.
From "Waiting for Guffman:"
Great clip! Maybe Chris Gall saw the movie and was humming "I'm bored" while he drew those marvelous pictures. His aliens are superior to the guy in the movie's paper spaceship, for sure.