Friday, November 14, 2008

Where Dewey Really Fit In?

Thanks to Bill Crider and his Pop Culture magazine site for this Dewey Decimal Quiz that analyzes you into your ideal Dewey Number.

Librarian D.O.A.'s Dewey Decimal Section:

475 Classical Latin grammar

Librarian D.O.A. = 292818914451 = 292+818+914+451 = 2475

400 Language

Linguistics and language books.

What it says about you:
You value communication, even with people who are different from you. You like trying new things don't mind being exposed to unfamiliar territory. You get bored with routines that never change.

Find your Dewey Decimal Section at

You are actually given 3 results and can pick. Even though I could pick the gardening number (635), the description for the 475 Latin Grammar fits me better. Even though I speak nary a word of Latin.

D.O.A. as 635:

Librarian D.O.A.'s Dewey Decimal Section:

635 Garden crops (Horticulture)

600 Technology

Health, agriculture, management, public relations, buildings.

What it says about you:
You are creative and inspired to make the world a better place. You can work hard on something when it catches your interest. Your friends have unique interests in common with you.

Find your Dewey Decimal Section at

D.O.A. as 878 Latin Misc Writings:

Librarian D.O.A.'s Dewey Decimal Section:

878 Latin miscellaneous writings

Librarian D.O.A.'s birthday: 1/31/1900 = 131+1900 = 2878

800 Literature

Literature, criticism, analysis of classic writing and mythology.

What it says about you:
You're a global, worldly person who wants to make a big impact with your actions. You have a lot to tell people and you're good at making unique observations about everyday experiences. You can notice and remember details that other people think aren't important.

Find your Dewey Decimal Section at

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