Wednesday, September 8, 2021

What's Cooking September 8, 2021

 We're getting into a tiny streak (perhaps) of cool weather so this brings out the comfort food recipes.  On the menu for this week here at DOA Central is Spaceships and Laserbeams "Hamburger Hash".

We tried this recipe tonight. Unfortunately it had no flavor at all.  It needed something more, I just can’t think of what would work.  My russets were medium sized but yielded quite a bit. I’d say only use one. Mine did not look like the picture :) 

 It's also Apple season, see those recipes fly by!

From Spicy Southern Kitchen Crockpot Butterscotch Apple Crisp


This recipe from Love Bakes Good Cakes also caught my eye.  It definitely needs to be halved, as it serves 8-10. Way more than we need.  Nicely paired with a salad.


I was on a roll one evening looking at Love Bakes Good Cakes site, and I like the looks of her Loaded Potato and Chicken Casserole too.  In order to get Mr. DOA to try it, though, I'll have to leave out the tablespoon of hot sauce.  He missed the memo where older people are supposed to like spicy foods more because their taste buds are giving out on them or some such.  For us, this recipe will also need to be halved as it serves 8.



Lastly from this site, Oven Roasted Potatoes

You’re curious about the Tik Tok Biscuits and Gravy from last week, confess.

Here it is after the recommended 350 degree 30 minute cook time.

Swimmingly Raw.  Can't untaste the raw biscuits and eggs. Oof.
I put it back in the oven for another 30 minutes at 400 degrees. Much better.  It reminded me somewhat of Thanksgiving dressing.

Purely by serendipity, Homestead Recipes posted a recipe for a Biscuits and Gravy Breakfast Casserole this week.  The biscuits are on the top instead of the bottom (as the Tik Tok recipe did it), but you can see the eggs are cooked.  Plus, nice step by step written directions for those of us who need them.

I found this article from Vintage Recipes about the societal changes that led people to have small lunches they'd eat on the job, when in past times, the mid day meal had been the large meal of the day.


Since I want to halve so many of the recipes I posted today, here's a chart of how to halve recipes.

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